Charity concert on the baroque pipe organ in Herencia in support of Caritas Ukraine. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Charity concert on the baroque pipe organ in Herencia in support of Caritas Ukraine.

Claro M. Fdez-Caballero Martín-B.

Historian, teacher, columnist, speaker, and licensed tour guide in Art History. He is the coordinator of the local research group on History at the University Popular de Herencia. He has written numerous articles on history and heritage in different magazines and newspapers both locally, as well as regionally and from the surrounding areas. He is also a co-author of various publications on history and heritage. He is currently a part of the board of directors of various cultural associations and of the staff at the digital newspaper Google+

Spanish post in Concierto solidario en el órgano barroco de Herencia a favor de Cáritas Ucrania

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