Activities and Entertainment for all Ages. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Activities and Entertainment for all Ages.

From April 23 to 29, the town of Herencia will celebrate the 31st Library Week, an event full of activities for all ages and interests. Here is a summary of the activities that will take place during this week:

On Sunday, April 23, coinciding with World Book Day, the traditional book fair will take place in the Plaza de España from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm, where books for children, youth and adults can be purchased with significant discounts. In addition, there will be “Unplugged” games for the whole family, with activities such as target games, giant train tracks, lake fishing, giant Jenga, bottle cap races or hoopla.

From April 25 to 28, the “Express Rescue” Gymkhana for 3rd to 6th grade Primary students will take place. Students will have to rescue board games and set up a new loan service.

On Thursday, April 27:

-In the afternoon, there will be a session of board games. Participants can learn about the available games to take home, such as Dixit, El Portero Baldomero, Virus, Dooble, The Magic Labyrinth, among others. The activity is aimed at people from 8 to 99 years old and requires prior registration at the Library.

-At 8:30 pm, in the Patio del Ayuntamiento, “Who does not move does not get the air” will take place, an activity of stories and songs for young and adults with Victoria Gullón, a ballad singer, storyteller, and romance singer.

On Friday, April 28, from 6:00 to 7:30 pm, “Open Air Book with Bread and Chocolate” will be celebrated in the Municipal Park. Attendees can enjoy a time of outdoor reading, followed by stories and a snack of bread with chocolate.

On Saturday, April 29, the Library Week in Herencia will conclude with the presentation of the book “A Few Minutes in Memory” by the writer Isabel Yuste, originally from Herencia, in the patio of the Town Hall.

Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy these activities full of fun, culture, and entertainment during the 31st Library Week in Herencia.

Spanish post in Actividades y diversión para todas las edades

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