Lorena Cobos Escribano, a young gymnast from Herencia, won the runner-up title in the Rhythmic Gymnastics Spanish Championship. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Lorena Cobos Escribano, a young gymnast from Herencia, won the runner-up title in the Rhythmic Gymnastics Spanish Championship.

We want to congratulate Lorena Cobos Escribano, the talented gymnast from Herencia, for obtaining the runner-up position in the 2011 Spanish Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship in the Alevín category. The competition took place in the prestigious Navarra Arena in Pamplona.

Despite achieving second place, Lorena should feel proud of her performance, as she has demonstrated great work and effort in a discipline as demanding as rhythmic gymnastics. Undoubtedly, this sub-championship tastes like gold, especially considering the difficulty of what has been achieved.

From here, we want to extend our sincere congratulations to Lorena and her entire family for the great effort made in this competition. We wish them good luck in the next sports challenges and hope to continue celebrating their successes in rhythmic gymnastics. Congratulations!

Spanish post in Lorena Cobos Escribano, joven gimnasta herenciana, logra el subcampeonato en el Campeonato de España de Gimnasia Rítmica

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