The Gomez Moreno family of Herencia received a Silver mention in the 34th edition of the Gran Selección Campo y Alma Awards in 2023. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Gomez Moreno family of Herencia received a Silver mention in the 34th edition of the Gran Selección Campo y Alma Awards in 2023.

On Wednesday, the Campo y Alma Awards-XXXIV Edition 2023 were held in Valdepeñas, where the Gomez Moreno Family from Herencia was awarded a Silver Medal in the cured category for their brand, Certeza. These recognitions are synonymous with excellence and quality, adjectives that undoubtedly define the product of the Herencia cheese factory. congratulates the Gomez Moreno Family for their achievements in these prestigious awards, which add to the long list of accolades they have received for their excellent work in the production of these renowned cheeses. The dedication and effort of the Gomez Moreno Family in producing high-quality cheeses have once again been recognized, and we are proud to share and celebrate their successes on

This award reflects the Gomez Moreno Family’s commitment to quality and the cheese-making tradition of the region, as well as their constant pursuit of excellence in their products. The community of Herencia is proud to have local producers of this caliber who put our town’s name high and contribute to the development and recognition of our gastronomy.

Spanish post in Familia Gómez Moreno de Herencia recibe mención Plata en los Premios Gran Selección Campo y Alma-edición XXXIV 2023

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