The deadline is open for retirees and pensioners in Herencia to benefit from a reduction in the garbage fee. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The deadline is open for retirees and pensioners in Herencia to benefit from a reduction in the garbage fee.

The process is now underway for retirees and pensioners in Herencia to once again benefit from a 50% reduction in the fee for household garbage collection and waste disposal. This measure provides significant support for domestic economies.

Mayor Sergio García-Navas and Councilor for Social Welfare, Conchi Rodríguez-Palancas, discussed this measure during a visit to the Senior Center. The visit served to review upcoming projects that the Center’s users and the Council of Elders, its organizing and participatory body, are working on together.

This annual bonus is intended for individuals over 65 years of age or pensioners registered in the town. The initiative aims to provide economic relief to families for whom such payments represent a significant burden.

Interested parties can begin to process their applications. Starting this Friday, forms can be collected at the Casa de Herencia and appointments made to submit them properly completed. The application period runs from May 2nd through May 24th.

To access this annual reduction, applicants must provide a photocopy of the ID of the homeowner and members of the family unit, proof of the pension for 2023, the most recent income tax return or a Responsible Declaration of not needing to submit one, the paid receipts for the fees of the 1st and 2nd semester of 2022, a signed authorization for data sharing, and the appropriately completed application for the reduction.

Councilor for Social Welfare, Conchi Rodríguez-Palancas, reported that over the last year, a total of 260 families benefited from this measure.

Spanish post in Se abre el plazo para que jubilados y pensionistas de Herencia se beneficien de una reducción en la tasa de basura

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