The senior girls' handball team of Herencia will compete in the final of the Regional League. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The senior girls’ handball team of Herencia will compete in the final of the Regional League.

In an exciting Final Four, the senior girls’ handball team from Herencia have achieved two consecutive victories, the latest one against Puertollano. This impressive performance has led them to the grand final of the Regional League, where they will face Balonmano Pozuelo de Calatrava.

The girls have had a great season, full of intensity, effort, and a desire to reach this well-deserved final. The title of the Regional League would give them the opportunity to compete in the promotion phase to the Women’s División de Honor Plata, an achievement that would place them at the top of regional handball.

Previously, during their training sessions, the players have shown great dedication, commitment, and teamwork, which has been fundamental to get to this point. Their spirit of fighting and perseverance has been key to the success they have had in the competition so far.

The fans and coaching staff are proud of the girls and trust that they will give their best in the final. Go for it, girls! We are with you!

Spanish post in Las chicas Senior del equipo de balonmano de Herencia disputarán la final de la Liga Regional

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