The Awareness and Encounter Workshops at the Municipal Music School have ended. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Awareness and Encounter Workshops at the Municipal Music School have ended.

Yesterday, Monday, marked the end of the Sensitization and Encounter Days at the Municipal School of Music in Herencia. This event offered a space for interaction and learning for the 4th ESO students of the Padres Mercedarios School and the users of the Carpe Diem and Picazuelo Centers.

During the four sessions that made up the event, the participants worked intensively on topics related to bullying. They learned how to identify bullying situations and how to address them effectively.

The methodology implemented during these days was based on group work, using musical dynamics and techniques. As a result of this creative approach, the participants were able to create musical compositions with lyrics that addressed the topic of bullying. This interactive learning method allowed for greater knowledge and closeness between the participants.

The day concluded with a shared breakfast, where the participants had the opportunity to interact in a more informal and relaxed atmosphere. This event has proven to be an effective platform for promoting understanding and empathy among the participants, and equipping them with the skills necessary to recognize and address bullying.

The success of these days reinforces the commitment of the Municipal School of Music in Herencia, the Padres Mercedarios School, and the Carpe Diem and Picazuelo Centers to provide a safe and supportive environment for all students and users.

Spanish post in Clausuradas las Jornadas de Sensibilización y Encuentro en la Escuela de Música Municipal

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