PSOE revalidates its majority in Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

PSOE revalidates its majority in Herencia.

On May 28, 2023, Herencia, and the rest of Spain, marked a crucial day with the celebration of the Municipal and Autonomic Elections. The citizens of Herencia arrived at the polls in a climate of respect and civic participation to express their voice in this important political decision.

Participation in Herencia in 2023 was 72.72%, a decrease compared to the 75.51% recorded in the 2019 elections. Abstention, therefore, rose to 27.27%, slightly higher than the 24.48% observed in previous elections.

Regarding the vote counting in 2023, 96.13% were valid, with 1.89% of blank votes. This contrasts with the figures from 2019, where valid votes reached 98.02%, and blank votes represented a smaller percentage, 0.37%. The null votes in 2023 constituted 3.86%, an increase compared to the 1.97% in 2019.

Despite this slight decrease in participation, the result of the municipal elections in Herencia reflects clear support for the management of the PSOE, which has reaffirmed its majority with 8 councilors. In turn, the Popular Party has managed to maintain its 4 councilors.

VOX, for its part, has managed to break into the local political scene with the obtaining of a councilor, while Ciudadanos has lost its representation in the town council, which represents a significant change in the municipal political distribution.

In summary, the 2023 Municipal and Autonomic Elections in Herencia have left a reaffirmed political landscape for the PSOE, a notable entry of VOX, and a exit of Ciudadanos, all in the context of a slight decrease in electoral participation compared to 2019.

Spanish post in PSOE revalida su mayoría en Herencia

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