Closure of the 2022-2023 academic year in the School Board of Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Closure of the 2022-2023 academic year in the School Board of Herencia.

The School Board of Herencia met on Monday for a final session before the closure of the 2022-2023 academic year. The meeting was chaired by the elected mayor, Sergio García-Navas, and was attended by representatives from local educational centers, as well as members of Youth, Social Welfare, “El Picazuelo,” and the Associations of Mothers and Fathers of Students (AMPAS).

This meeting represented a valuable opportunity to take stock of the ending academic year and begin to outline the initial strategies for the upcoming cycle starting in September. One of the key aspects of the meeting was the continuity of the Municipal Educational Integration Plan (PIME), a project designed to support and motivate young people in their learning process.

The commitment to education is evident in Herencia, where a positive, inclusive, and enriching learning environment for all students continues to be fostered. Planning and dialogue among the various stakeholders in the educational process are essential to ensure that the quality of education is maintained and learning opportunities for all students in the locality are enhanced.

Spanish post in Cierre del curso 2022-2023 en el Consejo Escolar de Herencia

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