Registration is now open for summer swimming courses in Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Registration is now open for summer swimming courses in Herencia.

The Municipal Sports Service of Herencia has announced the opening of the registration period for summer 2023 swimming courses, following the recent opening of the Municipal Pool for the summer season. Like in previous years, there will be two sessions for the courses: the first from July 3rd to 28th, and the second from August 1st to 28th. Each session will offer different groups in various age categories, including infant, adult, and new this year, maternity swimming. Due to high demand, the service is expanding maternity swimming to two groups. The Municipal Sports Service continues to offer digital registration to streamline the process. Interested parties can complete the registration process digitally through the specifically designated platform. Registration for the various classes begins on Monday, June 12th, through the AyMo application or directly on the town’s telematics processing website. Before the start of registration, those seeking additional information on the process can contact the Municipal Sports Service.

Spanish post in Abierto el periodo de inscripción para los cursillos de natación de verano en Herencia

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