The Municipal Council of Herencia approves local festivals for 2024 and a Protocol of Action Against Sexual Harassment. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Municipal Council of Herencia approves local festivals for 2024 and a Protocol of Action Against Sexual Harassment.

Last Thursday, the City Council of Herencia held a new session of the municipal plenary in which the dates for the local festivities for the year 2024 were approved and a Protocol of Action for the prevention and intervention against Sexual Harassment was ratified.

As usual, the session began with the ratification of the minutes of the past extraordinary sessions. The first item of the day was the approval of the dates that will be festive next year. By unanimous agreement of the attending groups, February 13, Tuesday of the Offertory, and September 24, coinciding with the Feast of the Virgin of Mercedes, were established.

Subsequently, the Protocol of Action for the Prevention and Intervention against Sexual Harassment was debated and approved, by reason of sex and sexual orientation and gender identity, within the scope of the Herencia City Council. This measure, which was supported by the Socialist and Popular parties and abstained by the Mixed Group, is based on the provisions of article 48 of Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, for the effective equality between women and men. This protocol complements the Equality Plan established in the municipal council for the period 2021-2023.

The main objective of this protocol is to focus municipal action on the prevention of sexual harassment, eradicate any behavior that could be considered constitutive of it in the workplace, and establish a framework of action to effectively and quickly resolve claims at their source, thus avoiding the emergence of conflicts and minimizing harm to individuals and the organization.

To conclude the session, Mayor Sergio García-Navas informed about the latest events and actions that have taken place in the municipality, such as the implementation of conciliation services for the summer, the cultural and sports agenda currently being developed, the imminent start of the new Rural Employment Plan of the Government of Spain, and the construction of the new Health Center near the El Cristo neighborhood, an announcement made by the Health Minister during his recent visit to the municipality.

Spanish post in El Pleno Municipal de Herencia aprueba fiestas locales para 2024 y un Protocolo de Actuación Contra el Acoso Sexual

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