Herencia experienced a magical night of celebration and tradition with the Summer Carnival. On the warm night last Saturday, the town transformed into a bustling scene of joy, color, and music. The normally quiet streets were invaded by a sea of people dancing, singing, and wearing vibrant costumes. From young to old, the residents of Herencia and visitors came together for a parade that illuminated the night. This event had a high level of participation, demonstrating the embrace and enthusiasm that the Carnival awakens in the population. Additionally, local Carnival associations contributed to the festivities, keeping the beat with their music and filling every corner with rhythm and fervor. The Summer Auditorium was chosen as the stage to close the party with a bang. There, the band La Mandrágora took center stage. Their melodies and rhythms captivated the crowd, who danced and enjoyed the night without stopping. Furthermore, the presence of entertainers and DJs enhanced the festive atmosphere, turning the evening into an unforgettable experience. Thanks to the photos shared by the Town Hall on Facebook, of which we are including a few in this article so those who couldn’t attend can relive a little of the magic of that night, undoubtedly many are already eagerly awaiting the next edition of this vibrant Summer Carnival. Until next year, Herencia! The Summer Carnival of Herencia: a luminous celebration that came to life on the streets.
Spanish post in una fiesta luminosa que cobró vida en las calles