The XIX Festival of Lifelong Learning is celebrated in Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The XIX Festival of Lifelong Learning is celebrated in Herencia.

Next Wednesday, October 11th, at 7:00 PM, the Patio of the City Hall of Herencia will dress up to host the XIX Lifelong Learning Festival. An event that year after year has managed to establish itself as a reference in the promotion of lifelong education and personal growth.

Within the framework of this celebration, the official opening of the academic year 23/24 will take place. And as the culmination of this beginning, attendees will have the privilege of witnessing the inaugural Presentation titled “Educating in Rights. 75th Anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights”. The person in charge of carrying out this dissertation will be Juan José Tamayo, a renowned Emeritus Doctor of the Chair of Theology and Sciences of Religions at Carlos III University of Madrid. Tamayo will contribute his vast knowledge in the field of human rights and the profound meaning of educating under this perspective.

To further enhance the event and offer a multidisciplinary approach, the evening will feature an artistic component. The Municipal School of Music Gabriel Molina-Prados will offer a musical audition, which promises to be a delight for the ears and spirits of all those present.

The municipality invites citizens to be part of this day of learning and reflection, where education and culture intertwine to show their transformative power.

XIX Lifelong Learning Festival Celebrated in Herencia 1
XIX Lifelong Learning Festival Celebrated in Herencia 1

Spanish post in XIX Festival de Aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida se Celebra en Herencia

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