Recognizing mental health as a Universal Human Right - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Recognizing mental health as a Universal Human Right

Today, October 10th, the world once again comes together to commemorate World Mental Health Day, a date that invites us to reflect on a fundamental aspect of human existence: mental well-being. Over the years, society has recognized the urgent need to care for and protect mental health, just as we do with physical health. Both aspects, inexorably intertwined, are essential to ensuring a full, productive, and satisfying life.

Mental health not only encompasses the absence of conditions or disorders, but also includes a wide range of factors, from the ability to manage stress to the skill of building strong interpersonal relationships. It is a state of balance that allows individuals to recognize their abilities, confront life’s challenges, and work productively and fruitfully. Hence, its promotion and care have become imperative for modern societies.

For the year 2023, the chosen theme for the campaign is “Celebrating mental health as a universal human right.” This approach invites us to consider mental health not only as an essential component of overall well-being, but also as a fundamental right that everyone should be able to exercise regardless of their origin, economic situation, or sociocultural context. This declaration promotes the elimination of stigma and discrimination that unfortunately still surround mental health, and advocates for accessibility to quality services and support for all individuals.

Since its inception in 1992, when the World Federation for Mental Health, with the support of the World Health Organization, established this day, World Mental Health Day has been a tool to raise awareness among the global population about mental health issues. Year after year, it has managed to highlight different facets and associated problems, establishing itself as a date for education, awareness, and active defense against social stigmatization.

Today is a day to remember that mental well-being is a crucial piece in life’s intricate puzzle. It is an opportunity to individually and collectively commit to respecting, promoting, and protecting this essential human right. Let us ensure that mental health is not only an annual celebration but a daily priority on the global agenda. Because every mind matters, and each one deserves to be cared for, valued, and celebrated.

Spanish post in reconociendo la salud mental como un Derecho Humano Universal

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