a success for the Benjamines and Prebenjamines of Handball - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

a success for the Benjamines and Prebenjamines of Handball

This weekend, Herencia sports shone in Ciudad Real. The promises of handball, our benjamin and prebenjamin teams from the Sports Schools, gathered at the first day of the Pitufo Circuit, an event organized with the support of the Regional Federation.

The morning was full of emotions, with the young athletes showing their skills and passion for handball. However, beyond the scores and results, what prevailed was the sportsmanship and camaraderie. The coexistence between our boys and other children from different towns was the true triumph of the day.

The dedication and effort of our young players was remarkable, and this would not have been possible without the hard work of their coaches. Congratulations to everyone for their commitment to sports and for making this day a resounding success!

A special recognition also goes to the family members and fans who, with their enthusiasm and applause, encouraged and supported our teams in every play. Their presence and positive energy reaffirmed the community spirit that makes sports a unique experience.

Let’s continue promoting these encounters, where beyond competition, enjoyment, development and passion for sports are valued. Until the next day!

Spanish post in un exito para los benjamines y prebenjamines de Balonmano

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