Herencia successfully celebrates its Christmas women's soccer tournament with resounding success. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia successfully celebrates its Christmas women’s soccer tournament with resounding success.

On the past Friday, the J. María Fdez. de la Puebla soccer field in Herencia became the stage for an exciting sports day with the celebration of the Christmas women’s football tournament of 8-a-side football. This event, framed within the sports activities organized for the holiday season, stood out for the enthusiastic participation of the female teams from the Herencia Schools, Olímpico Villarrobledo, Ayuntamiento de Villarrubia and PMD Madridejos.

The competition, characterized by a high level of play and sportsmanship, saw the Alevin team from the Herencia Schools win first place in their category. Meanwhile, the Olímpico Villarrobledo team was crowned champions in the infant category, demonstrating great skill and coordination on the field.

The event was attended by Aitor Gallego de la Sacristana, Councilor of the Herencia City Council, who participated in the trophy presentation alongside the monitors of the Sports Schools, Josu Jimenez-Tajuelo, Juanfran Fdez.-Almoguera and Juanjo Gallego. They were responsible for recognizing the effort and skill of all the players participating in the tournament.

The tournament was not only a showcase for local talent in women’s football, but also an opportunity to reinforce the importance of women’s sports in the community. Additionally, there was a festive atmosphere of camaraderie, with the attendance of numerous family members and fans who did not want to miss the opportunity to support their teams.

The organization extended congratulations to all the players for their excellent performance and thanked family members and fans for their continuous support. Undoubtedly, this tournament has been a reflection of the growing interest and passion for women’s football in Herencia, auguring a promising future for the sport in the community.

Spanish post in Herencia celebra su torneo de fútbol femenino de Navidad con éxito rotundo

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