Brilliant participation by the Herencia team at the Pedro Muñoz Rhythmic Gymnastics Tournament. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Brilliant participation by the Herencia team at the Pedro Muñoz Rhythmic Gymnastics Tournament.

The sports center of Pedro Muñoz became a stage of talent and skill during the last weekend, hosting the Rhythmic Gymnastics Tournament in which the students of the Municipal Sports Schools of Herencia showed their ability and grace, achieving a series of victories and recognition that filled the town with pride.

The young promise Alba López won the gold in the Benjamín Aro category, while Lucía García was crowned in the Cadete Aro category, demonstrating the excellence and high technical level that characterizes the gymnasts of Herencia. On the other hand, Lola Gomez-Calcerrada and Nayra López won the silver medal in the Cadete Aro and Infantil Cinta categories respectively, adding to the team’s medal count. Equally impressive was the achievement of Celia Fernández-Montes Millán, who obtained a commendable silver in the Mini-Benjamín 2016 category.

The competition was a reflection of the effort and dedication that the young gymnasts and their instructor have invested in their preparation, demonstrating the quality of the training they receive in the Municipal Sports Schools. These achievements are the result of countless hours of training and an tireless passion for rhythmic gymnastics.

The event not only served to demonstrate the skill and talent of the competitors, but also to strengthen the spirit of team and community among the participants and their families, who did not stop supporting and cheering during the competition.

From Herencia, congratulations to the students have not been delayed. Family members and the sports community enthusiastically celebrate the successes achieved, auguring a bright future for these young promises of rhythmic gymnastics.

With the focus already on future competitions, Herencia continues to move forward cultivating and supporting sports among its youth, convinced that they are the seedbed of future generations of outstanding athletes. Congratulations to the gymnasts of Herencia for their magnificent performance and may they continue to achieve victories!

An article published in the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). News diary in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Brillante participación herenciana en el Torneo de Gimnasia Rítmica de Pedro Muñoz

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