Final approval of the modification of the fiscal ordinance for the municipal cemetery fee in Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Final approval of the modification of the fiscal ordinance for the municipal cemetery fee in Herencia.

The City Council of Herencia, in the province of Ciudad Real, has definitively approved the modification of the fiscal ordinance that regulates the fee for the municipal cemetery with its publication in the BOP of Ciudad Real on March 7th. This approval has occurred automatically as no claims were filed during the public exhibition period of the provisional agreement adopted by the municipal council on January 18, 2024.

The modification specifically affects section 1 of Article 6 of the ordinance, which establishes the fees for the administrative concessions of graves, mausoleums, niches, and columbariums. The new text makes it clear that when these spaces become vacant for any reason, they will revert to the ownership of the City Council. Additionally, it specifies that the right acquired by paying the fees is not ownership of the physical land, but the right to the conservation of the remains interred in those spaces.

The newly approved fees are as follows:

– Acquisition or renewal of a 75-year administrative concession for construction land: €235/m2
– Acquisition or renewal of a 75-year administrative concession for mausoleum construction land: €235/m2
– Acquisition or renewal of a 75-year administrative concession for graves constructed by the City Council: €1,840
– Acquisition or renewal of a 75-year administrative concession for niches constructed by the City Council: €485.45
– Acquisition or renewal of a 75-year administrative concession for columbariums constructed by the City Council: €360

The publication of this announcement in the Official Bulletin of the Province opens a two-month period for interested parties to file an administrative appeal before the Superior Court of Justice of Castilla-La Mancha, if they wish to do so.

With this modification, the City Council of Herencia updates the regulations that govern one of the essential public services for the community, such as the municipal cemetery. The aim is to clarify the regime of administrative concessions for the different spaces and adjust the fees. All of this is done with the goal of ensuring the proper provision of this service, respecting the public nature of these facilities, ultimately owned by the municipality.

The final approval concludes an administrative process that began with the provisional approval in the January plenary session, and included a public information procedure for residents to submit allegations. With no claims registered, the agreement has automatically been elevated to final status and will come into effect once the deadline for potential appeals has passed, and with its full publication in the Official Bulletin of the Province.

In essence, this is a common administrative action of municipalities to keep fiscal ordinances up to date with the needs of the municipality, within their tax powers and autonomy to regulate certain aspects of local public services. In this case, Herencia is adapting its regulations regarding the municipal cemetery, a sensitive and important service for the community that local administrations must provide and regulate properly.

Spanish post in Aprobación definitiva de la modificación de la Ordenanza fiscal de la tasa del cementerio municipal en Herencia

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