Values and Puppet Workshop: Creativity and teaching in Heritage - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Values and Puppet Workshop: Creativity and teaching in Heritage

In Herencia, values education and youth creativity have come together in an initiative as original as it is educational. The Youth Area of Herencia has been the setting for an event where imagination and social sensitivity have intertwined through the Puppet Values Workshop. Since March 25th, and for four days, eight young people between the ages of 10 and 16 have embarked on a creative journey that has culminated in a unique production: Ricky and Ori, the Monsters who didn’t scare anyone.

This workshop not only offered participants the opportunity to develop their manual skills in puppet creation, but also promoted a space for reflection on fundamental values such as tolerance and respect for diversity. The inventiveness of these young people brought characters to life who, through their stories, reflected vital teachings, all framed in a narrative that captivated and entertained the audience.

The story of Ricky and Ori was presented as the final act to the children of the Responsible Program that takes place at the Youth Center during the Easter holidays. This moment not only served to put into practice what the participants learned in the workshop but also to extend the message of inclusion and acceptance to a wider audience.

Aitor Gallego de la Sacristina, the councilor responsible for the area, awarded diplomas to the young creators in recognition of their participation and dedication. This gesture symbolizes the importance that the Herencia City Council places on values education and the promotion of activities that encourage youth participation in the cultural and social sphere of the municipality.

The Puppet Values Workshop has undoubtedly been a successful initiative that has managed to combine learning with fun and has demonstrated the potential of young people to become agents of positive change in their community. In Herencia, the effort and creativity of these boys and girls are applauded, whose dedication and enthusiasm augur equally successful and enriching future editions. Congratulations to all the participants for their wonderful work!

An article published on the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Diary of information in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Taller de Valores y Títeres: Creatividad y enseñanza en Herencia

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