Record participation in the 10th Edition of the Herencia Football Camp. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Record participation in the 10th Edition of the Herencia Football Camp.

On July 1st, Mayor Sergio García-Navas inaugurated the 10th Edition of the Herencia Soccer Camp, marking a historic year with a record participation of 118 children.

The camp, designed to offer unique experiences to the youngest participants, promises to be unforgettable. One of the most anticipated moments of the program is the visit to Madrid to explore the ins and outs of the new Santiago Bernabéu stadium, a trip that will surely be etched in the memories of the young participants.

In addition, the camp, which will conclude next Friday, includes a variety of activities ranging from excursions and overnight camping to exciting sessions in the municipal pool, all tailored for young soccer fans.

The inauguration, carried out by the mayor, highlights the town’s commitment to promoting sports and creating spaces for learning and fun for children. The high participation this year reflects the success and growing popularity of this event among families in Herencia.

An article was published on the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Daily information in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Récord de participación en la X Edición del Campus de Fútbol de Herencia

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