Herencia joins in the commemoration of International Breast Cancer Day. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia joins in the commemoration of International Breast Cancer Day.

The balcony of the Herencia Town Hall now displays the commemorative banner for International Breast Cancer Day, which will be celebrated on October 19th. In a symbolic event, Mayor Sergio García-Navas, together with the Social Welfare Councilor Conchi Rodríguez-Palancas, and representatives from the Spanish Association against Cancer in Herencia, have hung the banner to show the municipality’s support for this important cause.

The initiative aims to raise awareness among the population and show the council and community’s support for all women facing this disease with courage and strength.

Furthermore, to strengthen this commitment, the Spanish Association against Cancer in Herencia will set up two information booths on the same day, the 19th: one in Plaza de España and another in the Market, starting at 10:00 am. At these booths, residents can contribute and purchase merchandise products with the goal of raising funds for the fight against cancer, all at a symbolic price.

With this gesture, Herencia once again demonstrates its solidarity and commitment to women affected by breast cancer, a disease that mobilizes thousands of people worldwide every year in search of awareness and support.

Spanish post in Herencia se une a la conmemoración del Día Internacional del Cáncer de Mama

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