Lanza Sueños opens its new headquarters in Herencia to support cancer patients - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Lanza Sueños opens its new headquarters in Herencia to support cancer patients

This past Tuesday, the Lanza Sueños Association inaugurated its headquarters in Herencia, Ciudad Real, a space dedicated to the comprehensive care of cancer patients. The opening was attended by patients, representatives of the business community of Pedro Muñoz and Herencia, as well as the councilors of the Herencia City Council, María Eugenia Díaz-Pacheco and Inmaculada Ortega. The headquarters, led by Montse Jiménez, is presented as a “welcoming and caring” place to assist people facing cancer and accompany them in their recovery.

A space of support and well-being

During the inauguration, Montse Jiménez, founder of Lanza Sueños, emphasized that the goal of this new space is to provide personalized care to patients, tailored to their needs. The headquarters is strategically located on the Alcázar road, just five minutes from the Mancha Centro Hospital, a reference center in the region for cancer treatments. The premises have private areas for those seeking an intimate environment, as well as training rooms.

The Lanza Sueños headquarters is already operational, offering support both in person and remotely through calls and video calls. Patients will have access to services ranging from psychological counseling to nutritional advice and physical training, aspects that Montse Jiménez highlighted as fundamental in the prevention and enhancement of treatments.

Specialized services and workshops

The Lanza Sueños team has designed a program of activities and workshops to promote the well-being and quality of life of patients. The first workshop, scheduled for November 22, will focus on the importance of intestinal microbiota, an essential aspect in immune health and the recovery of cancer treatments. The next workshop, scheduled for December 13, will explore music therapy and sensory stimulation, led by specialist María Amorós, in an effort to integrate complementary techniques that promote the emotional well-being of patients.

An integral program in the region

In addition to activities in the Herencia headquarters, Lanza Sueños plans to expand its program to other locations in the region. In Tomelloso, a yoga course will be offered, a discipline that contributes to stress management and improves the physical and emotional well-being of patients. In February, the Alcázar de San Juan Hospital will host the “Health Days”, where different approaches and resources in health for cancer patients and their families will be presented.

Comprehensive and personalized support

Lanza Sueños is dedicated to providing care and guidance from the moment the patient is diagnosed, promoting close support that extends to their families. The association offers career guidance for those looking to re-enter the professional field and facilitates monitoring in all stages of the illness. This work has been applauded by councilors Díaz-Pacheco and Ortega, who emphasized the importance of having a project like Lanza Sueños in the community, providing aid to those who need it most.

Lanza Sueños aims to become a reference point for support and accompaniment in the fight against cancer, providing a network of care and well-being to all those facing this challenge.

Spanish post in Lanza Sueños abre su nueva sede en Herencia para apoyar a pacientes oncológicos

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