A Valuable Leisure Option for the Little Ones in Herencia - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

A Valuable Leisure Option for the Little Ones in Herencia

The Summer Toy Library, a popular municipal educational program, is once again being presented as an ideal leisure alternative for children during the summer months. Designed for families with children aged 4 to 7, the Toy Library aims to provide enriching activities during the months of July and August.

This program, which has demonstrated its success in past editions, is expanding this year to include a third class in response to high demand. In addition to offering a leisure option for children during the summer months, the Toy Library also provides a valuable resource to help families balance their work responsibilities with the care of their children.

The Toy Library uses toys and games, both free and directed, as pedagogical tools to encourage socialization and children’s development. Under the guidance of professionals, children acquire new habits and reinforce their skills while enjoying a playful and educational environment.

The program is open to children born between 2016 and 2019, and activities will be held from Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 2 pm. Pre-registration for the Summer Toy Library program will open from May 22 to 26. Applications, along with required documentation, should be sent by email to [email protected]

But the Toy Library is not the only option for summer entertainment. In the coming days, more leisure and fun alternatives will be announced to cover all children and youth ages during the summer holidays. Herencia families can expect a summer full of educational and recreational opportunities for their children.

Spanish post in Una Valiosa Opción de Ocio para los Pequeños de Herencia

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