Approval of the Municipal Budget of Herencia for 2024 that reflects growth and new investments. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Approval of the Municipal Budget of Herencia for 2024 that reflects growth and new investments.

The Herencia City Council Plenary has set a positive milestone for the future of the municipality with the approval of the budget for the year 2024. The new budget, amounting to 8,647,991 euros and exceeding the previous year’s by 7.8%, has received the support of the governing team, while the Popular Party and the Mixed Group have expressed their disagreement.

The relevance of this plenary session lies in the significance of the decisions taken, which will directly impact the quality of municipal services. Among the new developments for the next year, the implementation of the Youth Counseling Service stands out, an integral platform that will include career guidance and psychological support, providing essential resources for young people who are committed to the growth and future of Herencia.

A significant portion of the budget has been allocated for the acquisition of key land that, once the construction of the roundabout on the CM-3167 road is completed, will facilitate the creation of a road that directly connects the Industrial Park with the CM-42 Viñedos Highway. This infrastructure is designed to alleviate heavy traffic and strengthen the industrial and economic fabric of the area.

The city council has decided to update municipal taxes and fees with minimal fiscal impact on citizens, in response to the increase in operating costs. It is expected that the average property tax (IBI) for homes and the motor vehicle tax will experience a slight monthly increase.

Another issue addressed in the plenary was the motion proposed by the Socialist Party regarding the 30% copayment imposed by the Provincial Council of Ciudad Real, a measure that affects the subsidy for network renewal. The motion was approved with the support of the PSOE, the opposition of the PP, and the abstention of the Mixed Group.

The mayor closed the session by informing about the latest events and activities in Herencia, emphasizing the social commitment of the governing team. He highlighted events such as the second solidarity race for the Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Association, the X Agriculture and Livestock Days, and the IV Business Days, which demonstrate a social focus in municipal management. The contribution of Gabriela Fernández-Paniagua and Eusebia Sánchez was also honored, highlighting the vital role of women in the rural environment of Herencia.

Spanish post in Aprobación del Presupuesto Municipal de Herencia para 2024 que refleja crecimiento y nuevas inversiones

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