Closing of the Women's Day programming with the reading of the institutional manifesto. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Closing of the Women’s Day programming with the reading of the institutional manifesto.

The City Council of Herencia held a commemorative event in honor of International Women’s Day, which was celebrated on March 8th. The activity took place in the City Council Courtyard and was attended by the main authorities and the Feminist Association “Herencia de Mujeres”.

During the event, the Institutional Manifesto was read, highlighting the importance of the fight for gender equality and respect for women’s rights around the world. In addition, a theatrical performance entitled “Roots of Earth and Sugar”, by Pilar Hernández Baptista, was carried out.

The monologue presented by Pilar Hernández Baptista addresses relevant topics related to the struggle of women for gender equality. The play focuses on the lives of fighting women who have left their mark on history, as well as highlighting the importance of connection with our roots and the strength that the past gives us to move forward into the future.

The Feminist Association “Herencia de Mujeres” also had a prominent participation in this event. This organization has been fighting for women’s rights and for a more just and equal society for years. Their presence at the event was fundamental to highlight the importance of the work of feminist organizations in achieving goals in gender equality.

In summary, the Commemorative Act carried out by the City Council of Herencia was an opportunity to remember the importance of the feminist struggle and reaffirm society’s commitment to achieving gender equality. The participation of the Feminist Association “Herencia de Mujeres” and the presentation of the monologue “Roots of Earth and Sugar” allowed for a deep reflection on the current situation of women in our society and the road still to be traveled to achieve full equality.

Spanish post in Cierre de la programación del Día de la Mujer con lectura de manifiesto institucional

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