Exciting Foosball Championship at the Youth Center in Herencia kicks off the Easter holidays. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Exciting Foosball Championship at the Youth Center in Herencia kicks off the Easter holidays.

In Herencia, the start of the Easter holidays was experienced in a very special way thanks to the initiative of the Youth Area, which organized a table football championship at the Youth Center, turning the afternoon into a space of fun and competition for the youth of the town.

The event, which took place yesterday on Monday, had the participation of 14 pairs, totaling 28 players who showed their skill and passion for this traditional game. The competition was tough, but in the end, the winners earned their well-deserved trophies.

The first-place winners were Diego Blázquez Bolaños and Lorenzo Martín Toledano Fernández Montes, who showed excellent coordination and skill throughout the tournament. The second place went to Jorge Gallego de la Sacristana and José Manuel Bolaños, while the third place was occupied by Mario Galán Heras and Marco Carrero Díaz Meco.

In addition to the excitement of the competition, the event was marked by a spirit of camaraderie and fun. All participants received a diploma as a reminder of their participation in this sports day, which, beyond the results, stood out for the enthusiasm and good sportsmanship of all the attendees.

From the City Council and the Youth Area, we want to thank all the young people who participated in the championship, sharing an afternoon full of excitement and showing the great talent and enthusiasm that exists in the Herencia community. Congratulations to the winners and all the participants for making this event such a special moment!

These types of activities are essential for promoting coexistence, sports, and healthy leisure among young people, reaffirming the municipality’s commitment to the well-being and active participation of its younger population.
An article published on the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Daily information in the heart of La Mancha.

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