Extraordinary session of the Plenary at the City Hall of Herencia on May 15th. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Extraordinary session of the Plenary at the City Hall of Herencia on May 15th.

The Herencia City Council has called an extraordinary session of the Plenary that will take place on May 15 at 8:00 PM in the Plan Room. This meeting promises to be of great importance due to the topics on the agenda for the day.

During the session, several key points will be addressed, including the swearing-in of the elected councilor Mr. José Manuel Aragonés Roncero. In addition, the approval of the minutes from the previous session, corresponding to the Ordinary Plenary of March 21, 2024, will be carried out.

Other items on the agenda include the modification of representatives in collegiate bodies and the modification of the remuneration of part-time positions. There will also be a draw for the Electoral Boards for the upcoming 2024 European Parliament Elections, ensuring citizen participation in this important democratic event.

The session, held after completing all the required administrative procedures, is a demonstration of the continuous and transparent functioning of the local government, ensuring that municipal matters are dealt with efficiently and openly for all citizens of Herencia.

An article published in the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Daily information in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Sesión extraordinaria del Pleno en el Ayuntamiento de Herencia el 15 de Mayo

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