Four individuals have been arrested in Herencia, Alcázar and Villafranca for labor exploitation of immigrant workers in agricultural farms. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Four individuals have been arrested in Herencia, Alcázar and Villafranca for labor exploitation of immigrant workers in agricultural farms.

The Civil Guard, in collaboration with the National Police, has arrested four people as part of Operation “Lagoon-Pastor”. The detainees, part of a criminal group mainly composed of Moroccan citizens, were dedicated to facilitating the irregular immigration of fellow Moroccans to Spain, as well as the establishment of irregular citizens in the peninsula through illegal hirings and false promises.

The arrested individuals maintained contacts both with people in Morocco and with individuals settled in Spain, mostly of Moroccan origin, who provided them with undocumented workers from various parts of the national territory. This criminal group facilitated the arrival and stay of foreigners in irregular situations in the provinces of Toledo and Ciudad Real, taking advantage of the vulnerability of the workers, whom they housed in precarious housing, cheated, and exploited for labor.

The identified victims were subjected to abusive working conditions due to their situation of special vulnerability, even receiving threats if they did not meet work objectives or if they attempted to report their situation. At the end of their working day, they were sent to homes in very precarious and unsanitary conditions.

The practices of this group not only favored the entry of foreign people without meeting the necessary requirements, but also their irregular stay in our country.

Throughout the investigation, multiple complaints and testimonies from victims have been collected, confirming suspicions and reporting the harsh conditions they were in.

The detainees – two in Herencia, one in Alcázar de San Juan, and another in Villafranca de los Caballeros – face charges of “facilitating” illegal immigration, crimes against workers’ rights, and membership in a criminal organization.

The investigations, carried out by the Information Group of the Toledo Command and the Information Headquarters (UCE3) of the Civil Guard, as well as the Provincial Foreigners Brigade of the National Police of Ciudad Real, have had the support of the Territorial Units of Citizen Security of Herencia and Villafranca de los Caballeros and the Local Police of Herencia.

The Civil Guard thanks citizens for their collaboration and reminds them that the emergency phone number available to the Civil Guard, 062, is available 24 hours a day. Likewise, the existence of the free mobile application ALERTCOPS is informed so that in any eventuality, they can get in touch with the State Security Forces and Corps.

Spanish post in Detenidos cuatro individuos en Herencia, Alcázar y Villafranca por explotación laboral a trabajadores inmigrantes en fincas agrícolas

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