Great success in the Pitufo Circuit handball event in Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Great success in the Pitufo Circuit handball event in Herencia.

The Municipal Sports Complex of Herencia became a hotbed of sports passion last Sunday with the celebration of a new Pitufo Circuit day, which attracted many young handball enthusiasts. The initiative, organized by the Regional Handball Federation in close collaboration with the Municipal Sports Service and the local handball club, turned out to be a celebration of sports and camaraderie.

From early in the morning, the sports complex was filled with life with the games played by the participating teams. Camaraderie and sportsmanship were the predominant theme, highlighting the unconditional support of the family members who did not want to miss the opportunity to see the youngest giving their all on the court.

The event was also a demonstration of the dedication and effort of the Sports Schools monitors, as well as the directors of the local club, whose tireless work made this day a memorable experience for the young athletes.

The closing of the day was marked by the awarding of medals, in which Serafin Tajuelo, Councilor for Sports, accompanied by Pedro Rodríguez, president of the local handball club and member of the Regional Federation’s board, awarded the participants in an atmosphere of jubilation and satisfaction.

Herencia, with its firm commitment to promoting grassroots sports, consolidates itself as a reference in the promotion of handball among the youngest, opting for events that prioritize the values of sportsmanship, companionship, and enjoyment of the game.

Congratulations to all those who made this sports day possible, and may there be many more like it!

An article published on the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Diary of information in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Éxito rotundo en la jornada de balonmano del Circuito Pitufo en Herencia

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