Herencia City Council and Santa Cecilia Music Group sign a collaboration agreement for 2023 - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia City Council and Santa Cecilia Music Group sign a collaboration agreement for 2023

The City Council of Herencia and the Agrupación Musical Santa Cecilia have signed a new collaboration agreement for the year 2023. This agreement provides for the realization of 17 performances to be carried out in various events organized by the consistory throughout the year.

At the signing of the agreement, were present the mayor Sergio García Navas, the Councillor for Culture and Festivities Inmaculada Díaz Flores, and Roberto García Escribano, representing the Agrupación Musical Santa Cecilia.

The main objective of this agreement is the commitment by the City Council to facilitate performances, spaces and support necessary to groups and associations that demonstrate their active work in the municipality. This agreement seeks to strengthen local culture and promote citizen participation in the activities organized by the municipal administration.

The 17 performances covered by the agreement will take place in various celebrations and events scheduled by the City of Herencia, thus contributing to the cultural and festive enrichment of the town.

This collaboration agreement is a further step in supporting music and culture in Herencia, and demonstrates the commitment of the City Council to promote joint work between institutions and local groups to enhance the cultural life of the municipality.

Spanish post in Ayuntamiento de Herencia y Agrupación Musical Santa Cecilia firman convenio de colaboración para 2023

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