Herencia is lit up in blue for World Prostate Cancer Day. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia is lit up in blue for World Prostate Cancer Day.

On June 11, marked on the calendar as World Prostate Cancer Day, the windmills in Herencia will be lit up in blue in a symbolic act to raise awareness about this disease. This day, aimed at increasing sensitivity and awareness among the male population, emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis and appropriate treatment for prostate cancer. The decision to light up the windmills in Herencia blue represents an act of solidarity and support for all men who are battling this disease, and a call to active prevention.

Urology specialists recommend regular check-ups to identify any signs of the disease in its early stages. When prostate cancer is detected early, the cure rate can reach up to 90%. It is crucial to highlight that prostate cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in men, and often does not present symptoms in the early stages. Therefore, regular medical check-ups and reviews are essential to ensure early diagnosis and, consequently, more effective treatment.

Herencia thus joins global actions that seek to inform and raise awareness about this disease, reaffirms its commitment to health and well-being of its inhabitants. On this World Prostate Cancer Day, let us remember the importance of prevention, early detection, and taking care of our health.

Spanish post in Herencia se ilumina de azul para el Día Mundial del Cáncer de Próstata

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