Herencia joins the commemoration of National Cystic Fibrosis Day. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia joins the commemoration of National Cystic Fibrosis Day.

Today, April 26th, we commemorate National Cystic Fibrosis Day, a day aimed at spreading awareness about this disease and how we can all work together to improve the living conditions of those who suffer from it.

Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disease that affects various organs, especially the lungs and digestive system, causing respiratory difficulties and problems with the digestion and absorption of nutrients. Raising awareness about this disease is fundamental to improve diagnosis and treatment, as well as to support those who suffer from it and their families.

For this reason, and in a gesture of solidarity with people affected by this disease, the Herencia Town Council supports National Cystic Fibrosis Day by illuminating the windmills in green and orange, symbols of the fight against this disease. This initiative aims to raise visibility and create awareness about cystic fibrosis, encouraging support for those affected and their families.

The Herencia Town Council invites the community to join this cause by learning about the disease and sharing the information with loved ones, so that together we can contribute to improving the quality of life of those who suffer from it. On this special day, let us remember the importance of solidarity and empathy, and work together towards a more conscious and inclusive society.

Spanish post in Herencia se une a la conmemoración del Día Nacional de la Fibrosis Quística

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