Herencia kicks off its sports Christmas with the II Intercenter 3x3 Basketball Tournament. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia kicks off its sports Christmas with the II Intercenter 3×3 Basketball Tournament.

The Municipal Sports Center of Herencia became the epicenter of local basketball last Friday, hosting the II 3×3 Intercenter Basketball Tournament. This activity, which marks the beginning of the Sports Christmas organized by the Municipal Sports Service of the City Council, had a notable participation.

More than 100 players, distributed in approximately 40 teams, gave their best on the court, demonstrating skill and sportsmanship. The event not only served as a platform to promote basketball among young people, but also as a meeting point and community celebration during this festive season.

The Sports Councilor of the City Council, Serafín Tajuelo, was present during the trophy presentation, applauding the effort and passion shown by all the participants. In addition, the representatives of the educational centers were present, whose collaboration was essential for the success of the tournament.

Special thanks were directed to Chema, monitor of the Municipal Sports Schools of Herencia, whose dedication and work were key in the organization and development of the tournament.

This II 3×3 Intercenter Basketball Tournament has not only been a success in terms of participation and organization, but it has also served to reinforce the municipality’s commitment to promoting sports and physical activity among the youngest. An initiative that undoubtedly contributes to the development of a healthy lifestyle and the promotion of positive values among the youth of Herencia.

Spanish post in Herencia inicia sus navidades deportivas con el II Torneo Intercentros de Baloncesto 3×3

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