Herencia strengthens its collaboration with Cruz Roja for social well-being. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia strengthens its collaboration with Cruz Roja for social well-being.

In a meeting that stands out for its commitment to community welfare, the Herencia City Council has renewed its alliance with the Red Cross, reaffirming its support through an agreement that highlights mutual cooperation in social welfare and assistance services. Mayor Sergio García-Navas and the president of the Spanish Red Cross in Alcázar de San Juan, Jesús Rodríguez Ángel, signed the document on Monday that consolidates the collaboration between both entities.

The signing of the agreement, which was also attended by the Councilor for Social Welfare Conchi Rodríguez-Palancas and Jerónimo Corrales, symbolizes the joining of efforts to provide a safety net and support to the most vulnerable sectors of the Herencia society, including the elderly, immigrants, and children and youth.

The municipal contribution of 5,000 euros, intended for various programs and services provided by the Red Cross in Herencia, is a clear indication of the humanitarian and solidarity approach that characterizes the local administration. With this financial boost, the aim is to ensure and extend the coverage and quality of services to those who need it most in the locality.

The collaboration between the City Council and the Red Cross is not limited to financial support; it also implies operational synergy in which the Red Cross will provide infrastructure, material resources, and volunteers in the organization of programs, events, and response to emergencies or natural disasters.

This agreement establishes a framework of collaboration and understanding that goes beyond occasional assistance, seeking effective integration and social inclusion that are fundamental to the social fabric of Herencia. Above all, the alliance aims to reconcile and coordinate common efforts and objectives that result in a tangible improvement in the living conditions of the inhabitants of Herencia, making the municipality a reference in social commitment and humanitarian assistance.

Spanish post in Herencia refuerza su colaboración con Cruz Roja para el bienestar social

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