Herencia welcomes the Saharawi children participating in the 'Vacations in Peace' program. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia welcomes the Saharawi children participating in the ‘Vacations in Peace’ program.

Herencia has once again become the reception point for Sahrawi children who will enjoy these summer months in the province through the ‘Vacaciones en Paz’ program. This emotional gathering was attended by Eulalio Díaz-Cano, provincial delegate for Social Welfare, and Sergio García-Navas, mayor of Herencia, accompanied by several councilors from the government team. Also present were members of the Federation of Associations of Friends of the Sahrawi People of Ciudad Real and the local association ‘El Uali’, who welcomed 14 of the 33 children who will spend the summer in the province.

An Emotional Encounter

The welcome ceremony was emotional and full of meaning. Eulalio Díaz-Cano and Sergio García-Navas, along with the councilors and members of the associations, expressed their joy and commitment to this program that aims to offer Sahrawi children a summer filled with love, care, and positive experiences away from the hardships of their daily lives in refugee camps.

Commitment and Solidarity

Mayor Sergio García-Navas emphasized Herencia’s ongoing commitment to Sahrawi children, highlighting the importance of providing them with a safe and loving environment during their stay. “It is essential that these children have the opportunity to spend a few weeks away from adversity, in an environment where they feel loved and cared for,” García-Navas stated. He also deeply thanked the host families for their generosity and commitment, as without their support, this program would not be possible.

A Summer of Hope

The ‘Vacaciones en Paz’ program is an initiative that has been providing Sahrawi children with a relaxing, fun, and caring experience for years. During their stay in Herencia, the children will enjoy various recreational and cultural activities designed to enrich their time here and create positive memories to take back home.

Host families play an essential role in this process, providing a temporary home filled with love and attention. Their commitment and solidarity are a clear reflection of the values of the Herencia community, once again showing their support and empathy towards those in need.

A Better Future

Herencia’s participation in the ‘Vacaciones en Paz’ program not only provides a break for these children, but also strengthens the bonds of friendship and cooperation between local communities and the Sahrawi people. It is a step towards building a better and fairer future for everyone.

With this welcome ceremony, Herencia reaffirms its commitment to international solidarity and the defense of the rights of Sahrawi children, hoping that their stay in the province will be memorable and joyful.

An article published in the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Daily information in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Herencia da la bienvenida a los niños saharauis del Programa ‘Vacaciones en Paz’

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