high temperatures and recommendations to cope with the heatwave - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

high temperatures and recommendations to cope with the heatwave

Extreme heat is anticipated in Castilla-La Mancha in the coming days, with Herencia in particular facing severe conditions. The State Meteorological Agency has forecasted the arrival of a mass of hot and dry air from Africa to the region, which will trigger a heatwave episode. As a result, an orange alert has been issued for high temperatures in Herencia for the next few days.

Predictions indicate that during Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, temperatures could range between 41°C and 44°C in some areas, especially between 1:00 PM and 9:00 PM. Given this weather situation, Civil Protection has advised a series of measures to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone.

Primarily, it is recommended to limit sun exposure and seek shelter in places protected from the heat, preferably well-ventilated. Sudden temperature changes upon entering and exiting these places can affect the body, so they should be taken into account.

Regarding nutrition, it is essential to stay hydrated and consume foods rich in water and minerals. Eating regularly, preferably light meals such as fruits and vegetables, helps replenish the salts lost through sweating. Wearing light-colored clothing that covers most of the body, including the head, is also advisable.

Prolonged physical activities should be avoided during the hottest hours of the day. It is important to pay attention to the most vulnerable individuals, such as the elderly and the sick, who live alone or in isolation, as they are more susceptible to the effects of extreme heat.

In addition, high temperatures increase the risk of forest fires. Lighting fires in the mountains and nearby areas should be avoided, and extreme care should be taken with controlled burning of stubble, lit cigarettes, garbage, and glass bottles.

In the event of a fire, the recommendations of Civil Protection should be followed. Only enter forests or woods if the terrain and communication routes are well-known, and always in areas with high visibility. If a fire is discovered in its early stages, emergency services should be alerted immediately and, if possible, attempts should be made to extinguish it. If it cannot be extinguished quickly, it is safest to move away from the area.

In summary, in the face of this imminent rise in temperatures, it is essential to take self-protection measures and follow the guidelines of Civil Protection. Caution, adequate hydration, and avoiding actions that may cause fires are key to facing this heatwave.

Spanish post in altas temperaturas y recomendaciones para hacer frente a la ola de calor

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