The Perlés de Honor awardees for this new edition were announced at the inauguration of the Herencia Carnival 2023. You can check all the Perlés awarded throughout the history of the Carnival.
- Socio-Labor Scope: San Francisco Residence.
- Socio-Cultural Scope: Mercedes Fernández Caballero.
- Associative Scope: SMD Quijote Herencia Handball Club.
- Jesús Carnavales Perlé: José Ángel Fernandez-Caballero García-Miguel, “El Gato”.
- Institutional Perlé of Honor for the Ophthalmology Service of the Mancha Centro Hospital in Alcázar de San Juan.

Photos: City Hall.
An article published on the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). News outlet in the heart of La Mancha.
Spanish post in Perlés de Honor 2023 del Carnaval de Herencia