Improvements in the facilities of La Pedriza ensure supply and compliance with new health legislation. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Improvements in the facilities of La Pedriza ensure supply and compliance with new health legislation.

The water supply service for the inhabitants of Herencia has been resumed after a series of upgrades to the water collection facilities at La Pedriza. These improvements resulted from a meeting between the mayor of Herencia, Sergio García-Navas, and the president of the Guadiana Hydrographic Confederation.

To ensure a constant and safe supply, a new collection system was installed in parallel to the existing one. The new system reaches a depth of around 110 metres, has a diameter of 200 millimetres, and features a new pump capable of extracting 2,000 litres of water per hour. These upgrades will guarantee the water supply and meet the requirements of the new Royal Decree 3/2023, which establishes the technical and sanitary criteria for the quality of drinking water, its control and supply.

This Royal Decree, which has been in effect since January 2023, aims to ensure the quality of water for all citizens. The improvements to the La Pedriza water facilities are an essential step in complying with these new regulations.

The renovations are the result of joint efforts between the Herencia Town Council and the company Mixta de Aguas y Servicios Emaser, which manages the town’s water and purification services.

Starting on Wednesday, June 7th, the water supply service can be used following the previous system of acquiring a card from the Town Hall. This service will be available on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10 am to 12 pm at the sources of El Sepulcrillo. This step forward ensures a constant and high-quality water supply for all residents of Herencia.

Spanish post in Mejoras en las instalaciones de la Pedriza garantizan el abastecimiento y cumplir con la nueva legislación sanitaria

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