In English: "Herencia hosts the Regional Meeting in Commemoration of Rural Women's Day" - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

In English: “Herencia hosts the Regional Meeting in Commemoration of Rural Women’s Day”

On October 19th, Herencia will dress up to celebrate Rural Women’s Day, thanks to a joint initiative between the Institute for Women of Castilla-La Mancha and the local City Council. This celebration, which will take place at the Municipal Auditorium, will involve the active participation of women from different towns in the region such as Alcázar de San Juan, Campo de Criptana, Socuéllamos, among others.

This Comarcal Meeting has the noble purpose of shedding light on the accomplishments and contributions of women in rural areas. Through their constant efforts, these women have laid the groundwork for future generations to reap the fruits of their labor. The celebration also aims to revalue and highlight the crucial role of these women in the sustenance and advancement of rural communities.

The event will start at 11:30 am at the Auditorium, with an institutional ceremony that will pay tribute to outstanding women from the different participating towns. Representing Herencia, Gabriela Fernández-Paniagua and Eusebia Sánchez will be honored for their remarkable life trajectories, which have undoubtedly left an indelible mark on their community.

In addition to these recognitions, the atmosphere will be filled with music with the special performance of Laura Abengoza and Angelito, who will entertain the audience with their talent. After this segment, the attendees will head to the Municipal Park, where they can share and enjoy a popular meal. At the same time, the “Agustín Úbeda” Exhibition Hall will open its doors to present the moving exhibition “Art and Pain.”

As the culmination of a day dedicated to exalting the figure of rural women, the Auditorium will be the stage for the theatrical representation “Thank you, Clara Campoamor” at 5:15 pm, an artistic tribute that will undoubtedly resonate in the hearts of those present.

This gathering is a reminder of the power, resilience, and importance of women in rural areas, and it is hoped that it will serve as a source of inspiration for future generations. The invitation is open to all those who wish to be part of this special celebration.

Spanish post in Herencia acoge el Encuentro Comarcal en Conmemoración del Día de las Mujeres Rurales

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