Inheritance advances in sustainability and social support with new tax incentives. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Inheritance advances in sustainability and social support with new tax incentives.

The Town Council of Herencia held its first Ordinary Plenary Session of 2024 this Thursday, marking a milestone in municipal management with the approval of significant measures in the areas of solar energy and support for care activities. The technical session addressed various relevant topics for the locality.

Update of the Municipal Inventory of Assets and Rights

The Plenary approved the update of the Municipal Inventory of Assets and Rights, which includes urban and rural real estate, public roads, vehicles, movable property, and revertible rights. This update, pending since November 2021, reflects the additions, deletions, and variations in municipal assets.

Conversion of Use of Property on Carrasco Alcalde Street

The objective demesne mutation of a property located on Carrasco Alcalde Street was approved, changing its use from ‘School Group’ to sociocultural. This modification will allow for more associations requiring spaces for their activities to be accommodated.

Renewal of Concessions at the Municipal Cemetery

Points 4 and 5 of the agenda focused on the Municipal Cemetery, addressing the regulation of old concessions that have reached 99 years and need to be renewed. In the absence of heirs, these concessions will revert to municipal ownership.

Modification of the Fiscal Ordinance for Bullfighting Shows

The Plenary modified the Fiscal Ordinance related to the temporary use of municipal buildings and premises, which affects the regulation of bullfighting shows in the local Bullring.

Tax Breaks to Promote Solar Energy and Support Care Activities

In an effort to promote sustainability and support care activities, the Town Council has established a 60% tax break for the Construction and Works Tax for solar energy installations in private homes. Additionally, a 50% tax break on the Property Tax has been approved for buildings that carry out care activities, such as residences and centers for people with intellectual disabilities.

Closing of the Session with the Mayor’s Report

The mayor, Sergio García-Navas, closed the session by reporting on the latest events in the municipality, highlighting the Christmas Support Campaign for Commerce, the Corresponsables Plan, the acclaimed Christmas lighting, and the recent opening of a study room for young people.

This Plenary reflects the commitment of the Herencia Town Council to sustainable development, social support, and the continual improvement of municipal infrastructure and services.

Spanish post in Herencia avanza en sostenibilidad y apoyo social con nuevas bonificaciones fiscales

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