On Sunday, October 20th, the observation sessions for the Castilla-La Mancha male cadet selection took place, organized by the Castilla-La Mancha Handball Federation. In this important event, the BM Quijote Club was represented by the young player Manuel Romero Manrique, who had an unforgettable experience during his participation.
Also, the club’s base coach, Francisco Javier García Arias, was also part of these sessions, taking on the role of assistant coach for the cadet selection this year.
From the club, we hope that both Manuel and Francisco enjoy this new adventure with the selection team and we wish them the best of luck on this exciting journey.

Article published on: Manuel Romero and Francisco Javier García represent BM Quijote in the Castilla-La Mancha Cadet Selection
Spanish post in Manuel Romero y Francisco Javier García representan al BM Quijote en la Selección Cadete de Castilla-La Mancha