On March 23rd, a new Ordinary Session of the Plenary will be held at the City Council of Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

On March 23rd, a new Ordinary Session of the Plenary will be held at the City Council of Herencia.

On Thursday, March 23, the Planos Hall of the City Hall of Herencia will host a new Ordinary Session of the Plenary starting at 8:00 p.m. The call, made in accordance with Article 21 of Law 7/1985, of April 2, Regulating the Bases of Local Government, and Article 80 of Royal Decree 2568/1986, of November 28, approving the Regulation of Organization, Functioning and Legal System of Local Entities, as well as the Municipal Organic Regulation of Herencia (R.O.M.), includes the following items:

1. Approval, if applicable, of the minutes of the previous session (Ordinary Plenary of January 26, 2023).
2. Approval, if applicable, of the Amendment to the Regulatory Ordinance on the Aesthetical Conditions of Buildings located in the Plaza of Spain of Herencia.
3. Transfer of use to UFD ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION S.A. of real estate assets: CT4 and CT5 of the 2nd Extension of the Industrial Estate.
4. Specific Modification of the Job Position List (R.P.T.).
5. Modification of the 2023 Personnel Chart.
6. Resolutions of the Mayor’s Office and useful information.
7. Requests and Questions.

The session will be held on the first call, and if it cannot take place on the scheduled date due to a lack of quorum, it will be held on the second call, forty-eight hours after the first one.

This Ordinary Plenary Session will address topics of interest to the community of Herencia, including the approval of previous minutes, modifications in ordinances, transfer of use of real estate assets, adjustments in job positions list and personnel chart, among other issues. The meeting is expected to facilitate decision-making and progress on relevant issues for the municipality.

Spanish post in El 23 de marzo se celebrará una nueva sesión Ordinaria del Pleno en el Ayuntamiento de Herencia

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