The Town Hall of Herencia has announced an upcoming regular session of the Plenary that will take place on Thursday, July 20 in the Plenary Hall of the Town Hall. The session is scheduled to begin at 8:30 PM.
According to the resolution of the Mayor-President, the call to the councilors has been made in accordance with the powers conferred by Article 21 of Law 7/1985, Regulating the Bases of Local Government; Article 80 of Royal Decree 2568/1986, and the Municipal Organic Regulation of Herencia (R.O.M.).
The agenda for this meeting includes several points of relevance for the locality. The following is the order of the day:
- Approval, if applicable, of the minutes of the extraordinary plenary sessions held on June 26 and 28, 2023.
- Definition of Local Festivity Days for the year 2024.
- Approval, if applicable, of the Action Protocol for the prevention and intervention against sexual harassment, based on sex and sexual orientation and gender identity within the scope of the Town Hall of Herencia.
- Mayor’s Resolutions and relevant information.
- Open Forum for Questions and Suggestions.
In case the meeting cannot be held on the indicated date due to lack of quorum, it will be rescheduled for a second call, forty-eight hours after the first call.
The Mayor-President and the Town Hall Secretary of Herencia urge the members of the Plenary to attend this important meeting to discuss and make decisions on matters affecting the local community.

Spanish post in Sesión Ordinaria del Pleno del Ayuntamiento de Herencia Convocada para el 20 de Julio