Regular session of the Full City Council of Herencia: July 25th - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Regular session of the Full City Council of Herencia: July 25th

On July 25th, the City Council of Herencia will hold a regular session of the Plenary in the Plenary Hall of the City Council. The meeting, scheduled for 20:00, will address various topics of interest to the local community.


1. Approval of the Minutes: The approval of the minutes of the previous session, corresponding to the Ordinary Plenary of May 8, 2024, will be discussed.

2. Modification of Municipal Subsidiary Regulations: The specific modification of the Municipal Subsidiary Regulations concerning industrial tolerance T-04 at the request of CONSUM, S.C.V. (File No. 4521/2023) will be considered.

3. Municipal Boundary Commission: The creation and composition of the Municipal Boundary Commission (File No. 580/2024) will be discussed.

4. Adhesion to Consermancha: The adherence to the service for the collection of abandoned animals by Consermancha (File No. 2374/2024) will be discussed.

5. Municipal Sports Center Regulations: The regulatory ordinance for the use of the Municipal Sports Center of Herencia (File No. 2589/2024) will be evaluated.

6. Public Price for Sports Activities: The establishment of the public price for the realization of activities at the Municipal Sports Center of Herencia (File No. 2589/2024) will be proposed.

7. Mayor’s Resolutions: Information will be provided on the Mayor’s resolutions and other relevant topics.

8. Requests and Questions: A space for requests and questions will be opened.

If the required quorum is not met, the session will be held on a second call forty-eight hours after the first, maintaining the same agenda.

This Plenary session promises to address crucial topics for the development and well-being of the Herencia community, inviting citizens to stay informed about the decisions and proposed modifications.
An article published in the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Newspaper of information in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Sesión ordinaria del Pleno del Ayuntamiento de Herencia: 25 de Julio

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