reinforcement and support in secondary centers. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

reinforcement and support in secondary centers.

For the sixth consecutive year, and in response to the recognized success and positive reception by families, students, and educational centers, the Municipal Educational Integration Plan (PIME) has been launched. This plan is aimed at supporting and directing students who face challenges in achieving competences or surpassing the objectives of the level in which they are enrolled.

PIME emerges as a valuable educational reinforcement initiative aimed at students who study in various schools in the municipality. The structure of the plan consists of providing both academic and psychological support throughout the academic year. For this purpose, the collaboration of a psychologist and a teacher is enlisted, who are assigned to facilitate the teaching-learning process in the compulsory educational stages.

The project, which is a strong commitment of the Government team and is fully funded by the City Council, has the fundamental purpose of ensuring that young people continue in the education system and succeed in it. The positive impact of the program is evident, as confirmed in the various meetings held with the School Council and with parents of students. All of them have expressed their gratitude and satisfaction for maintaining this initiative.

Today, Sergio García-Navas, mayor of the municipality, along with Lola Fernández, councilor for Education, and Andrés Carmona, director of IES Hermógenes Rodríguez (one of the centers that benefits from this guidance service), met with the staff responsible for this complementary attention, Verónica Díaz-Meco and Gloria Ventura. It should be noted that this year the program has started earlier than in previous editions, synchronizing with the start of the academic year. This measure has allowed for the early identification of the needs and concerns of the students.

Lola Fernández, the responsible councilor, emphasized the vital importance and effectiveness of this measure, supported by the School Council. Its primary objective is to combat absenteeism and school dropout through reinforcement, monitoring, and personal and family support strategies.

Additionally, the visit served as a platform to learn about some updates at the beginning of the school year, presented by the Director of the Center. Among the updates, the creation of a new play area for recess and the success in participation in the offered training cycles, which represent a promising job opportunity for students, stand out.

Spanish post in refuerzo y apoyo en centros de secundaria

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