Sports gathering closes the season of female soccer in Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Sports gathering closes the season of female soccer in Herencia.

Last Friday, the José María Fernández football field in Puebla de Herencia was the setting for a day of fellowship that brought together the female football teams from the schools of Villarrubia de los Ojos, Campo de Criptana, Daimiel, and Herencia, as well as the pre-benjamin male team.

The main aim of this sporting event was to bid farewell to the football season in the way that the female players enjoy the most: by playing, having fun, and sharing experiences with players from other schools. Beyond the results, fellowship was the main protagonist of the day, in which values such as respect, cooperation, and sportsmanship were promoted.

Furthermore, the day provided the Herencia female benjamin team, which had not participated in the competition this year, with the opportunity to play some matches to bid farewell to the season, accompanied by the pre-benjamin male team.

The organization thanked all the invited schools for their participation, as well as the support of the players’ parents throughout the season and the effort of the young athletes and their coaches throughout the year.

At the end of the matches, the players received a medal in recognition of their participation and effort, presented by Sergio García-Navas, Mayor of Herencia, and Francisco Gallego, Sports Councilor, who were present at the event.

This day of fellowship is configured as a celebration of sport and the unity that women’s football brings to the community of Herencia, demonstrating once again its vital importance in the sporting and personal development of the young people in the locality.

Spanish post in Jornada de Convivencia Deportiva Cierra la Temporada de Fútbol Femenino en Herencia

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