Students from IES Hermógenes Rodríguez in Herencia take the EvAU exams in Alcázar de San Juan. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Students from IES Hermógenes Rodríguez in Herencia take the EvAU exams in Alcázar de San Juan.

This Monday, June 12th, the Juan Bosco and Miguel de Cervantes Institutes in Alcazar de San Juan welcomed a group of 400 students who are beginning the University Access Tests (EvAU). Among them, are the students from the Hermogenes Rodriguez High School in Herencia, who along with other students from six educational centers in the region, have until Wednesday, June 14th to complete the tests in their ordinary call. For those who require the extraordinary call, the dates are set for July 3rd, 4th, and 5th.

It is expected that this EvAU will be the last one carried out in the usual format, as a modification is anticipated for the near future. In this call, the tests maintain the structure of previous years, with a compulsory part that includes three common exams for all students – Spanish History, Spanish Language and Literature II, and First Foreign Language II – in addition to a core subject of modality depending on the option of Bachillerato and another of voluntary character, which has a validity of two academic years and allows to improve the admission score.

The final score for access to the University is calculated at 60% from the average score of the Bachillerato and 40% from the score of the EvAU.

The official results of the EvAU will be published by the University of Castilla-La Mancha on the afternoon-night of June 16th. Each student will receive their grades in the email provided when activating their user account at UCLM. From June 19th, students can download their electronic card from the EvAU grades through the Virtual Secretariat of UCLM. This card includes a digital signature and does not need to be compulsorily certified.

Students who are not satisfied with the score obtained in any subject and who have not downloaded the final card may request a second online correction, which will always be made by a different professor than the first correction. The request must be made within three business days from the official publication of the grades. On June 22nd, UCLM will inform via email about the result of this second correction. The next day, June 23rd, the student who requested the review can download the final card.

This year, the general phase in the EvAU will also include four compulsory subjects: Spanish History, Spanish Language and Literature, First Foreign Language, and, depending on the modality of Bachillerato, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences, Latin or Foundations of Art. During the specific phase, students will have the option to take up to four additional optional subject exams to improve their grade.

The final score for access to the University will be calculated taking into account the average of the Bachillerato (60%), the average obtained in the general phase (40%), and the extra weighting of the specific phase, being able to reach a maximum of 14 points.

Spanish post in Alumnos del IES Hermógenes Rodríguez de Herencia se enfrentan a la EvAU en Alcázar de San Juan

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