Success of the Herencia Football Sports School in the Christmas tournaments - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Success of the Herencia Football Sports School in the Christmas tournaments

Last weekend was very special for the players of the Sports Football School of Herencia, who stood out in several competitions and brought the name of the town to the highest level.

Runner-up for provincial selections

Two young talents from the School, Alberto García-Hidalgo and Guillermo Gómez-Calcerrada, participated in the provincial selections concentration, achieving a remarkable runner-up position. This achievement not only demonstrates the sports level of the players, but also the effort and dedication that characterizes the Sports Football School.

Success in Christmas tournaments

In addition, the Cadet and Benjamin teams from the School represented Herencia in the Christmas tournaments held in Daimiel and Malagón, respectively. The Benjamin team achieved second place in the championship in a tournament full of excitement and great matches, establishing itself as one of the promises of grassroots football in the region.

Recognition of the effort

The players have been congratulated by the City Council and the Sports School for their effort and commitment, as well as the coaches and families who support them unconditionally. These results reflect the continuous work in the sports and personal development of the youth.

Congratulations to Alberto, Guillermo, and the Cadet and Benjamin teams for these great achievements. Herencia’s sports continue to thrive!

Success of the Sports Football School of Herencia in Christmas tournaments 1
Success of the Sports Football School of Herencia in Christmas tournaments 1

Article published in: Success of the Sports Football School of Herencia in Christmas tournaments

Spanish post in Éxito de la Escuela Deportiva de Fútbol de Herencia en los torneos navideños

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