Success of the I Active Dance Campus in Herencia - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Success of the I Active Dance Campus in Herencia

Last Friday, Herencia vibrated to the rhythm of dance with the culmination of the I Active Dance Campus. A day that marked the end of this first edition with an emotional distribution of gifts to all participants.

The event, which began on Monday, July 31st, had a structured organization, dividing attendees into two age-based groups: one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Throughout the week, over 50 dance enthusiasts had the opportunity to immerse themselves in different workshops, exciting masterclasses, and various recreational activities. Among the latter, the day at the Municipal Pool and a special camp at its facilities stood out.

The Councilor for Sports, Serafín Tajuelo, together with Fátima Martín del Campo, the campus coordinator, led the closing ceremony. In this event, they acknowledged and thanked the effort and passion of each participant. Tajuelo also wanted to highlight and thank Fátima’s commitment and impeccable work in the organization and development of the campus.

The I Active Dance Campus in Herencia has been a great success. Not only because of the large participation, but also because of the atmosphere of learning, fun, and camaraderie that prevailed throughout the week. The organizers hope that this will be the first of many editions and that dance will continue to be a means of expression and unity for all residents of Herencia.

Spanish post in Éxito del I Campus de Baile Activo en Herencia

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