The City Council of Herencia announces the opening of three new positions for Local Police officers. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The City Council of Herencia announces the opening of three new positions for Local Police officers.

In an effort to strengthen the security and efficiency of the Local Police service, the City Council of Herencia has published the requirements for the recruitment of three new positions within this security force. Of the announced positions, one will be filled through the mobility procedure, intended for those officers who are already part of Local Police forces in Castilla-La Mancha, while the other two are open to external candidates through open competition and examination process.

This recruitment process is in response to the need to complete the current staff and strengthen the service provided by the Local Police of Herencia. The selection process will be rigorous, aiming to incorporate highly skilled individuals committed to citizen safety and well-being.

Individuals interested in these positions must meet a series of requirements detailed in the recruitment requirements, such as possessing certain educational levels and driving licenses, as well as the commitment to carry and, if necessary, use weapons. The application process is open to all who meet the criteria, and it is expected to attract a wide variety of qualified candidates.

The inclusion of these new officers is not only a step towards greater security, but also an opportunity to strengthen the relationship between the community and law enforcement. With these new additions, the City Council of Herencia reaffirms its commitment to safety and continuous improvement of its services to the community.

An article published in the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Daily information in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in El Ayuntamiento de Herencia anuncia la convocatoria de tres nuevas plazas de Policía Local

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